Thursday, July 14, 2011

14th july

14th july equal to today was a simply awesome day .! We have our Just a minute (jam) session tomorrow . woot woot! so much of fun ! I got a much of work today , so we're doing sholay in german and I am the scriptwriter , i doubt i write well or not :P
lets leave it and i just realised this teacher in the school doesnt have a heart she simply took the cake away of the birthday girl and ever took her card away man , the best part leaving all this thing today was that we did not have aerobics :P and chit chat and gossiping was going full on as if we were not school students but college students yeah we're mature . Im the monitor since the starting of the year and its like hell all teachers keep eating up my head .So the end of the day went clicking so many weird pictures in the bus which was so much of fun and ice cream .!!!
so i just sit back now and relax after all this breathless day which was so wonderful and tomorrow is one of my really awesome friend's bdya and shes totally awesome . gonna be so much of fun !

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